The world has a lot to say to our kids about what identity is and who they are. We get the chance to tell them the truth. We have the opportunity to tell kids who they are in Jesus. They are known by God. They are loved by Jesus. They are led by the Holy Spirit. They are a wonder. And they are children of God.

We have the opportunity to tell kids who they are in Jesus.



God, the Creator of all, knows me. He has always known me. He has had me in mind from the very beginning. He made me, and I am His masterpiece. He made me in His own image to do the amazing things He has prepared for me to do.

I am KNOWN by the Creator and that means I BELONG. I get to be part of His family.
Psalm 139:13-14 NIrV


Jesus’ perfect life, death, resurrection, and promised return are God’s love story. Jesus came to fulfill God’s promises to His children. Through Jesus, I have salvation.

Jesus loves me no matter what. His love for me has no beginning and no end, and I get to love Him back. Jesus is God’s love in person. God’s love is big and generous, and it is for me! Jesus is the way to God’s love. Choosing to follow Jesus means choosing God’s love and God’s way.

I am LOVED by Jesus, and I get to share His LOVE too.
John 13:34, 35 NIrV


God gives me the gift of His Holy Spirit when I choose to live for Jesus. The Holy Spirit invites me to live in God’s Kingdom—now and not yet.

When I accept Jesus as my Savior, I receive the Holy Spirit as a gift, and He lives inside me. When I let the Holy Spirit lead, He strengthens me, and I grow in belief. As I learn that God’s way is the best way, my faith grows too. The Holy Spirit helps me be more like Jesus—the me I was made to be.

Because I am LED by the Holy Spirit, I can FOLLOW Him.
Romans 8:14, 15a NIrV


God’s amazing story changes my own.

Because God knows me, Jesus loves me, and the Holy Spirit leads me, I get to be a wonder-filled reflection of God to the world. I get to know who I truly am and who I was made to be.

The Bible tells me that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, knit together by a loving God
who knows all about me and loves every inch of me. He delights in me, and I will celebrate
His wonder!

I am a WONDER. I get to BE part of God’s story, and my life TELLS of God’s wonder.
1 Peter 2:9 NIrV

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Wonder Ink’s 3-year, 52-week children’s ministry curriculum offers kids space to fully find their place in God’s Big Story. Children discover they are Known by God, Loved by Jesus, and Led by the Holy Spirit.