Wonder Ink Blog

Wonder Ink

A customizable digital curriculum and toolkit for your children’s ministry. Empower volunteers, engage families, and inspire children on their journey of faith.

New Series: Walking with Jesus

Discover Jesus’ power and compassion, witness His generous forgiveness, remember His death and life, and sit at His feet and spend time with Him.

New Series: I Ams of Jesus

In the I AMs series, we will see Jesus use events and ideas the people were already familiar with to reveal Himself to the world.

New Series: Who Is Jesus?

This series will help us understand Jesus and who He is. The more we know Him, the more we know God, and the more we are drawn to Him.

Victory Series

New Series: Victory

In this series, we’ll dive into the victorious stories of Deborah and Barak, David, Elisha and Naaman, and Elisha and an army of angels.

Unexpected Series

New Series: Unexpected

In this series, kids will discover that, as God works on behalf of His people, He often works in unexpected ways to bring about His plans in His timing.

New Wonder Ink Series: Wise Up!

This series is an opportunity to seek wisdom with your whole heart and to point kids to the true source of wisdom, goodness, beauty, and strength.