As Easter nears, you will reflect on Jesus’ death and resurrection. Death could not keep Jesus in the ground. He is too powerful! The power that raised Him is the same power that dwells within you!
Sin brings death, but God brings life. Amazingly, we don’t have to wait until Jesus’ resurrection to see where God has power over death.
From bringing dry bones to life and saving a prophet swallowed by a fish in the Old Testament to the raising of a man dead and buried in the New Testament, we see God as a God of resurrection.
This Easter series culminates with the greatest resurrection of all—Jesus! His death and resurrection mean that sin will never have the final say. We can be risen and experience new life too because of Him!
Series Invitation
The anticipation of a long-awaited event is so exciting, right? Maybe it’s the arrival of a new baby, time for that dream vacation, or being able to feast on a meal that you’ve spent all day preparing. Finally partaking of that which you’ve been looking forward to makes you feel like a child on Christmas morning!
Over the next five weeks, you will meet people filled with anticipation. Whether in a valley of dry bones, in the belly of a huge fish, in the thick of pain and grief, on the side of a Jerusalem road, or outside of Jesus’ tomb, they were about to experience new life that awaited them on the other side.
They longed for the Promised One who would rescue the world from sin. Each story is filled with twists and turns that point to God’s power over death.
As Easter nears, you will reflect on Jesus’ death and resurrection. Death could not keep Jesus in the ground. He is too powerful! The power that raised Him is the same power that dwells within you! Because of Jesus’ love and sacrifice, you can experience newness of life!
- How might you experience Jesus in a new, fresh way this Easter?
- What does new life in Jesus mean to you?
Celebrate—He is risen. He is risen indeed!
Wonder Ink’s 3-year, 52-week children’s ministry curriculum offers kids space to fully find their place in God’s Big Story. Children discover they are Known by God, Loved by Jesus, and Led by the Holy Spirit.
Rise-Up Event Overview
Rise Up is a family Easter event filled with bubbly fun, including bubble-themed games, crafts, science experiments, teaching, worship, and snacks. Families will celebrate the risen Savior together and rise up to worship Jesus!
The event kit is digital and customizable, and it includes everything you need to host the event: graphics, promotional materials, a teaching video, a supply list, volunteer roles, decorating tips, and more!
Check Out These Helpful Resources!
- Known, Loved, and Led: Helping Children Know Who They Were Created to Be
- Top 10 Reasons to Try Wonder Ink Children’s Curriculum for Free
- What If We’re Failing Kids at Faith Formation? And How Not To
- Wonder Ink’s Facebook Page
- Wonder Ink Orientation
- Children’s Ministry Curriculum: What You Need to Consider
- Children’s Church: Discipling the Church of Today