The God of the universe invites us to talk with Him. He doesn’t require fancy words or impressive speeches. All He wants is us. During this four-lesson series, kids will explore prayer—what it is and how Jesus teaches us to pray.
Theologians have argued about prayer for centuries, but most can agree on two truths: God tells us to pray, and God responds to people’s prayers in a powerful way.
Mikal Keefer
They’ll see prayer’s power through Peter’s story and learn to talk with God in confession and with bold faith. They’ll begin to experience the power of prayer firsthand. And just as honest conversation between two friends brings them closer, kids will draw nearer to the God who hears them and never holds back His love.
Series Invitation
I’ve said it. You’ve said it. And we probably meant it.
“I’ll pray for you.”
But if you’re like me, you follow through once or twice and then … nothing.
Still, it’s no big deal, right? God’s going to do what God’s going to do about that bully making one of your Sunday school kids miserable. Your prayers are nice, but in the big picture they don’t make much of a difference.
Unless they do.
Wonder Ink’s 3-year, 52-week children’s ministry curriculum offers kids space to fully find their place in God’s Big Story. Children discover they are Known by God, Loved by Jesus, and Led by the Holy Spirit.
What if it’s in response to your prayers that God releases power into a situation? What if God eases the pain in the life of the bullied child in response to your heart-felt prayers?
Theologians have argued about prayer for centuries, but most can agree on two truths: God tells us to pray, and God responds to people’s prayers in a powerful way. When His people have prayed, God has halted the sun in the sky. Shattered prison bars. Set His people free.
In this series, you’ll help kids explore prayer, and that’s good. But you’ll also get kids praying, and that’s spectacular. Your kids will experience how it feels to bring their praise and problems to their heavenly Father. They’ll gain a growing confidence that God’s listening, that God is with them, and that God cares for them.
We know God will work through you in a powerful way in the coming weeks, friend.
Because we’ve been praying for you.
Check Out These Helpful Resources!
Curriculum Resources
- Top 10 Reasons to Try Wonder Ink Children’s Curriculum for Free
- 5 Things that Make a Great Children’s Curriculum
- Why You Need to Make Sure You’re Using a Bible-Based Children’s Curriculum
- Wonder Ink Orientation
Teaching and Leading Children
- Known, Loved, and Led: Helping Children Know Who They Were Created to Be
- Bringing the Bible to Life in Your Children’s Ministry
- What If We’re Failing Kids at Faith Formation? And How Not To
- Moving Beyond the Behavior: Getting to the Heart in Your Children’s Ministry