God’s love is amazing. Nothing can keep us from His love or move us away from His compassion. This five-part series looks at God’s boundless and generous love. We’ll see that when we go through difficult things, we can always fall back on His kindness.
Because of His great love, we can persevere from a place of acceptance and care. When we encounter those we find hard to love, God shows us how because He is love.
Don’t miss the truth that God loves you for more than what you do. He loves you for who you are—the best part of His creation!
Series Invitation
I remember my first view of Yosemite Valley, looking down from over 3,500 feet above the valley floor, then looking to the horizon and seeing mountain peaks miles and miles away. I felt very small and overwhelmed. My Father in heaven created this amazing view, yet as amazing and overwhelming as it was, I felt the Spirit speaking, “I love you more!”
Have you ever stopped to consider just how amazing and overwhelming the Father’s amazing love is toward you?
With every step through the mountains and the valleys, I couldn’t help but see God’s love demonstrated in His creation. Paul was in a difficult season when he wrote that nothing can separate us from the Father’s love, yet he grasped the truth of it.
This series’ Word of Wonder tells us, “The three most important things to have are faith, hope and love. But the greatest of them is love” (1 Corinthians 13:13).
What crosses your mind and takes up space in your heart on a typical day? As people in ministry, it’s easy to lose sight of what’s truly important in our lives. Don’t miss the truth that God loves you for more than what you do. He loves you for who you are—the best part of His creation! How will you live that out? How will you demonstrate it to others?
Take a moment, search online for some pictures of Yosemite Valley, and realize you are loved more!
Wonder Ink’s 3-year, 52-week children’s ministry curriculum offers kids space to fully find their place in God’s Big Story. Children discover they are Known by God, Loved by Jesus, and Led by the Holy Spirit.
Check Out These Helpful Resources!
Curriculum Resources
- Top 10 Reasons to Try Wonder Ink Children’s Curriculum for Free
- 5 Things that Make a Great Children’s Curriculum
- Why You Need to Make Sure You’re Using a Bible-Based Children’s Curriculum
- Wonder Ink Orientation
Teaching and Leading Children
- Known, Loved, and Led: Helping Children Know Who They Were Created to Be
- Bringing the Bible to Life in Your Children’s Ministry
- What If We’re Failing Kids at Faith Formation? And How Not To
- Moving Beyond the Behavior: Getting to the Heart in Your Children’s Ministry