Who is Jesus? He is the exact likeness of God—the physical representation of God on earth. As a child and later as an adult, Jesus shows us what God is like.
This series will help us understand Jesus and who He is.
He is the Messiah, and God the Father speaks words of affirmation at His baptism. When Jesus is led into the wilderness and His humanity is put on display, He is tempted and does not sin. Through His first miracle, we see Jesus reveal to His followers that He is amazing.
The more we know Him, the more we know God, and the more we are drawn to Him.
Series Invitation
When we meet someone new, most of us have standard “get-to-know you” questions: Where are you from? What do you do? What kinds of things do you enjoy?
At their core, these questions are our socially acceptable attempt to get to the heart of who someone is and determine whether we click with them. To learn their story. To figure out whether this is a passing acquaintance or maybe, just maybe, a life-changing connection.
The Who Is Jesus? series gives us an opportunity to help kids answer some of these questions about Jesus: Who is He? What is He like? Can I make a connection with Him?
Imagine yourself as a party host, helping your guests get acquainted. Each kid who walks through the door is another person you can introduce to Jesus. All your effort, all your preparation, all your investment in kids is a chance to help them form a relationship that won’t just change their lives, but their eternity.
For you, maybe Jesus is an old friend. But sometimes we learn new things about old friends when we introduce them to people. I invite you to encounter these stories with fresh eyes. What do you notice? What do you learn? I promise, Jesus always has something new to offer us, if we only pay attention.
Wonder Ink’s 3-year, 52-week children’s ministry curriculum offers kids space to fully find their place in God’s Big Story. Children discover they are Known by God, Loved by Jesus, and Led by the Holy Spirit.
Check Out These Helpful Resources!
Curriculum Resources
- Top 10 Reasons to Try Wonder Ink Children’s Curriculum for Free
- 5 Things that Make a Great Children’s Curriculum
- Why You Need to Make Sure You’re Using a Bible-Based Children’s Curriculum
- Wonder Ink Orientation
Teaching and Leading Children
- Known, Loved, and Led: Helping Children Know Who They Were Created to Be
- Bringing the Bible to Life in Your Children’s Ministry
- What If We’re Failing Kids at Faith Formation? And How Not To
- Moving Beyond the Behavior: Getting to the Heart in Your Children’s Ministry