God promised His people a land of their own. But the process of settling in Canaan would not be easy because the land was still inhabited by other people.
In this series, kids will explore how God prepared the way for Israel to take over by making a safe passage for spies to enter, causing walls to crumble so the Israelites could conquer a city, and making the sun stand still to give His people an advantage during battle.
God fulfilled His promise of providing a home for Israel because He can make a way through anything. He will always keep His word.
Series Invitation
Everybody has problems. No matter how seemingly “perfect” someone’s life is, things are often not as they appear. Even when life is going well, we are all one phone call, diagnosis, or financial hardship away from trouble.
The Israelites were no exception. At one of the most exciting points in the nation’s history—entering the Promised Land—God’s people were still plagued by problems. But God was with them.
He will always keep His word.
Amid life’s problems, we have God’s assurance that He will keep His promises. Through the stories of biblical figures such as Joshua and Gideon, you’ll explore some of these promises with your kids: He hears us, leads us, makes a way for us, and gives us courage.
In a world full of problems, kids need to know they can trust in God to be with them and keep His promises. One way they come to this realization is by seeing the adults in their lives—parents and teachers—trust Him with their problems too.
As you prepare to launch this series, consider …
- How have you seen God fulfill His promises in your life?
- How can you guide the kids in your ministry toward understanding God’s faithfulness during this series?
- What is a prayer you have for your kids throughout this series?
Know that we’re praying for you as you serve. As you trust in God, may He give you courage for the task!
Wonder Ink’s 3-year, 52-week children’s ministry curriculum offers kids space to fully find their place in God’s Big Story. Children discover they are Known by God, Loved by Jesus, and Led by the Holy Spirit.