Jesus is enough. He is enough every minute of every day of every week of every year.

Do you recognize this truth in your own life?

And what about the volunteers who serve alongside you in ministry each week? Do they know that Jesus is enough for them?

Encourage Volunteers: Invest in Your Ministry Team

Can you think of someone who invested in you? Someone who built friendship with you or maybe someone who discipled you in your faith journey?

Chances are if you’re reading this, your answer is yes! Many of us have had friends or mentors invest in us. And for many of us, it changed our lives.

We love the people on our teams. We love serving with them and serving them. We love encouraging our volunteers.

Jesus is enough.

And we have to be careful to see our people instead of simply checking boxes. Because, you know what? Jesus wants something for us way more than He wants something from us. Yes, we are created to do His work and raise up the body for His work, however we first have to sit with Him.

Many of us are worn out. We are exhausted and overwhelmed. So let’s remember to prioritize the following so that we can live in God’s wonder.

Believe Your Team and Believe in Yourself

God made you, you are good in Him, and you have a purpose!

Encourage your volunteers that they are not just volunteers, they are people equipped by God. They were created and designed on purpose for a purpose. And when they are in children’s ministry, they get to help children find a life-changing relationship with Jesus.

Look for the areas your volunteers excel in and believe that they are capable to handle that which God has gifted them with. Instead of forcing people into roles that don’t fit, structure your team around their talents and passions.

As Craig Groeschel has said, “People will work for a what, but they will give their lives for a why.”

Remind and encourage your team in their why.

Wonder Ink’s 3-year, 52-week children’s ministry curriculum offers kids space to fully find their place in God’s Big Story. Children discover they are Known by God, Loved by Jesus, and Led by the Holy Spirit.

Encourage Volunteers in the Gift of Jesus

Jesus has given us everything we need to get through this life. Through Him we are saved. What we do in ministry isn’t going to get us into heaven, but it flows out of our relationship with and love for Jesus.

His love is a gift that we could never repay. Nor does He expect us to repay it. Remind your leaders that God’s love is for them and they can rest in that. He will give strength and grace.

The transformation that we get to witness when someone has embraced the love of Jesus for them is so contagious that they can’t help but share His love with others. It seems like a no-brainer, but we all come from different pasts and need to be reminded of this.

And it’s not just in our kids’ ministry settings that we need to share this love.

He is enough every minute of every day of every week of every year.

What are the conversations that we have during the week with those we spend time with? His wonder can surround us wherever we go.

Sharing the Love of Jesus

Pray that the Holy Spirit would lead you and guide you as you become more like Jesus in Him.

Ask questions about those around you. Care for them with compassion, empathy, but most of all allow the Holy Spirit to guide you. And encourage your volunteers.

Pray for boldness in your team, that they might experience His presence and walk in His presence every minute of every day of every week of every year.

Because Jesus is enough. Because we are known by Him and loved by Him and led by Him, we can tell of His wonder.

Our prayer for you right now is that you would experience His Holy Spirit in your life and that you will be compelled to be a wonder-filled reflection of God to the world.

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