God loves us so much and He wants relationship with us. He wants a relationship with our families—children and adults.
In Deuteronomy 6:6-7 NIVTM Scripture says, “These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”
Transformation in Family Connection
When children are young, we cherish and soak in all the moments. Playing together, seeing their imaginations run, all the firsts, all the lasts, the games, talks, learning moments, you name it—they are precious and fleeting.
And seeing into their imaginations gives us space to roam and be curious in a unique space with them. These connections we make together in the big and small moments, gives space for transformation. Many times these spaces give us chances to take the natural conversations and point to a good God who gives us this space.
It’s not that we have to set a time to share a devotion with our families (although, that’s great if you do it), it’s more about living our faith in the every day moments. Living and talking about it when we get up to the time we lay back down.
Many times the moments we view as mundane are the ones that can make the biggest impact. The everyday moments. And yes, we should read the Bible together and spend intentional time together praying and talking about our faith. But we should live it too.
This space with our kids is sacred space and we should treat it as such—making space for our holy God to invite us to holy ground to be transformed by Him.
Wonder Ink’s 3-year, 52-week children’s ministry curriculum offers kids space to fully find their place in God’s Big Story. Children discover they are Known by God, Loved by Jesus, and Led by the Holy Spirit.
Be Intentional in Your Moments Together
We all fail at being intentional 24/7, it’s human nature. We get tired, burnt out, restless, etc. But we should do our very best to do some of the following to forge connection with our kids—all for the sake of them finding and following Jesus.
This space with our kids is sacred space and we should treat it as such—making space for our holy God to invite us to holy ground to be transformed by Him.
Pray for Family Connection
Pray together and individually as a family that the Holy Spirit would lead your family on this journey. That He would make way for connection with God and one another.
Declare His truth over them and let them do the same!
Be consistent in your words and actions. You talk about the Bible? Show them you read it. You talk about prayer? Go pray. You talk about loving your neighbor? Go do it. Let your kids see faith in you and through you.
As we lead our kids we should find the rhythms of our home and be consistent in them. Eat together, be there for your spouse and your children, go on vacation, talk together, set patterns, and show up… and show up well.
Apologize when you need to, set boundaries where you need to, and discipline in the ways of the Lord. Lead a consistent life following Jesus every step of the way.
Make the most of birthdays and milestones. Give space to remember what was and celebrate what is! Remembering life together makes way for connection as we all run forward.
Other Celebrations
Take time to be silly and celebrate the small moments together all for the sake of connection. Have campouts in your basement (or outside!), eat weird food together (green eggs and ham anyone?), and celebrate the every day.
It’s important that your kids see you show up in community as well. Are there people you can partner with and do life together? These friends are trusted, safe people who are intentional about speaking life into your family.
You talk about the Bible? Show them you read it. You talk about prayer? Go pray. You talk about loving your neighbor? Go do it. Let your kids see faith in you and through you.
Family Connection Takes Time
Connection with one another and with God takes time. It grows over time and each day is a chance to keep growing in that connection. The hope is that when we follow after Jesus together, it sticks. When faith is seen lived out, it sticks. When Jesus gets space in our every day to move, we can hear Him.
But we have to intentionally slow down and make space for Him to move. We have to intentionally make room for connection, for transformation. And mostly, we have to follow. We have to humble ourselves and let God lead our families in the every day… in the fun, the hard, the joys, and the in between.
Trust Him with your life and theirs. It’s worth it.