It’s important that we empower our volunteers through training, resources, and plainly … just making sure they have what they need. It can be a lot. We understand! Many of you are volunteers yourself, with many other responsibilities on your plate.
We’re here to encourage you in this work because your team can help you in this!
Some people in our ministries may be confident in technology, others may not. That’s okay! With Wonder Ink children’s curriculum, you have multiple options for sharing lesson materials with volunteers who teach a class or group.
Watch this helpful video, and find more on our Facebook page, to help you get started!
About this Video
Lynne Howard from the Wonder Ink team shares various ways to help your volunteers use Wonder Ink—including options for those who don’t prefer digital spaces. From full access to editing lessons, to sharing a mobile link or printed PDF, there are options available for each one of your team members.
Remind them of the value and importance of what they do and encourage them to invest in the kids your ministry serves.
Simplicity is key when sharing any of these options with your volunteers. In this, remember that you don’t have to make it ‘press play’ for them, although that option is available. Your volunteers are capable and talented people who love Jesus!
We encourage you that in your simplicity, remind them of the value and importance of what they do and encourage them to invest in the kids your ministry serves.
There are really great options with Wonder Ink. If you haven’t already, check it out today and get four lessons for free.
Wonder Ink’s 3-year, 52-week children’s ministry curriculum offers kids space to fully find their place in God’s Big Story. Children discover they are Known by God, Loved by Jesus, and Led by the Holy Spirit.
More Helpful Resources for You
- Unpacking the Wonder-filled Kaleidoscope Called Identity
- Developing Family Faith Through Life’s Simple, Awkward, and Imperfect Moments
- Making Children’s Faith Formation a Whole-Church Priority
- What If Your Children’s Curriculum is Missing the Point in Your Ministry?
- The Power of Declaring Truth with Kids
- What If We’re Failing Kids at Faith Formation? And How Not To
- Wonder Ink’s Facebook Page
- Empowering Kids with Kingdom Identity