It’s that time! Our kids are back to school for the year. And along with that comes all the feelings: excitement, nerves, you name it.

While school has it benefits (and downfalls), we want to make sure that our kids are equipped with truth. We want to make sure they know who God is and who they are in Him. So, how can we share and declare truth with kids in these moments?

Here are some ideas for you!

Simple Ideas for Sharing Truth with Kids

When we know truth, it goes with us no matter what life brings. And we want our kids to know the truth when we’re not around. Truth is key in their lives and spiritual growth, especially when they are in environments where their faith will be challenged.

Sharing Truth through Spoken Affirmations and Blessings

First things first, mornings (and afternoons and evenings) are so busy, especially once school starts.

Spoken affirmations and blessings can be done while getting ready, driving, or anywhere really! It’s a great way to encourage children before or after school.

Take the time to remind your kids just how loved they are; by God and by you.

Girl (4-5) embracing father in classroom while saying goodbye at dropoff
Credit:Getty Images/DigitalVision/Yellow Dog Productions


Affirmations are positive reminders of what is true about God and each of His kids. It’s a beautiful time to remind children who they were created to be and all they have access to with God.

These can be done one on one, or even with all of your kids together. If you’ve never done an affirmation, it can feel awkward at first, but it’s all about helping children recall to mind the things that are always true.

Here’s one you can try from Wonder Ink’s curriculum. You speak first, and have children repeat:

Thank You, God, that You are good!

You made me on purpose, for a purpose.

And I am Your Kid!

I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

You know me, love me, and lead me.

My life can tell of Your wonder!

Wonder Ink’s 3-year, 52-week children’s ministry curriculum offers kids space to fully find their place in God’s Big Story. Children discover they are Known by God, Loved by Jesus, and Led by the Holy Spirit.


Blessings are spoken over children, whether from Scripture or your soul. As you speak a blessing over a child, make sure to look them in the eyes while you speak, and if you can hold their hands. It may be uncomfortable at first but keep it up!

And share this with all the parents at your church! We’ve heard stories of parents who started this with their children and when grown and headed off to college, their kids still asked to be blessed. It all matters!

Here’s an example for you:

May you know that Jesus is with you always, and He loves you more than you could ever imagine.

May you feel His presence today, and may His voice be the loudest in the room.

May you stand in confidence as God’s kid sharing His grace with those who encounter you.

May you be bold in all that is of and from Him.

Written Notes, Prayers, and Scriptures

Written notes are great for backpacks, planners, mirrors, and lunchboxes. It’s a great way to share truth and speak life into kids in the middle of the day, whether you are with them or not.

They don’t have to be long notes or thoughts, but can be an encouragement from your heart, a short prayer for the middle of their day, or even a Scripture that you’ve been walking through together. If your kids are older, even sending them a text can share truth.

Feel free to have fun with these too! Doodle, keep new things coming (even share a joke once and a while!), and just take the time to remind your kids just how loved they are; by God and by you.

We want kids to be sure of who Jesus is and who they are because of Him.

mother fastening jacket of daughter at breakfast table
Credit:Getty Images/DigitalVision/Jose Luis Pelaez Inc

Questions and Prompts to Share Truth with Kids

If your kids are anything like mine, sometimes the question of ‘how was your day’ annoys them more than it engages them. But I have found, when I switch up the script, I can get them talking more. Take time, whether at pickup, dinner, playtime, or bedtime to engage with your kids about their days.

Be sure to encourage them where they are discouraged and help them see God in their day.

Some ideas of prompting questions are:

  • What was your favorite part of today?
  • Was anything hard?
  • How did you see God today?
  • Is there anything you’d like me to help you through?
  • What do we know to be true about Jesus?
  • What do we know to be true about you?

These questions will vary depending on your child’s age and their personalities.

Our kids have a lot of messages coming at them: from peers, adults, entertainment, and more. We want to make sure that in the midst of all of that, the good news is louder. We want kids to be sure of who Jesus is and who they are because of Him.

More Ideas and Insight for Your Church

You can find more insights and ideas for family engagement in our free guide: What If We’re Failing Kids at Faith Formation? (And How Not To).

Curriculum Resources

Teaching and Leading Children

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