In this live video, you’ll get tips and ideas for how to teach Wonder Ink in a group of kids of various ages. Lynne and Kirsten walk us through how it’s possible with Wonder Ink.
In our curriculum, the different age levels are learning the same lessons in age appropriate ways! So, depending on the age range of your group and the amount of kids that you have, you can mix and match activities from Early Childhood and Elementary to make it work for the kids at your church.
One aspect of Wonder Ink that the kids love no matter their age, is the Declarations.
Let The Older Kids Have A Role
In Kirsten’s church, she lets the older kids (who want to) help with the younger kids when appropriate. They are learning and helping at the same time! Sometimes they even lead sections of the lesson as they are able.
One aspect of Wonder Ink that the kids love no matter their age, is the Declarations. They shout these truths together and it’s impactful for our youngest to our oldest. And as long as we are engaging our middle to oldest children, our youngest tend to engage as well. So, we want to be sure to balance that line and keep their attention!
So for example, how do we aim to engage our older children? One example is to teach to the level of the oldest, then have the oldest children engage with the youngest as we then turn to explain it to them at their understanding, with supervision of course.
It can also be important to let them lead in worship time, or however they might want to!
However, we know that not all of our kids enjoy helping. That’s okay. There are additional ways we can engage our oldest kids.
Engaging for All Ages
The beauty of Wonder Ink is that it allows kids to get hands on with activities, crafts, and games. As well as they have time for worship and response to God! They have a change to learn and open their Bibles and engage with what God is saying to them through His Word.
It gives them space to connect with God!
And with all of the options available, you can customize as you need to or use the lessons just as they are.
Watch the video for more! And join us on Facebook for more lives coming!
More Ideas and Insight for Your Church
You can find more insights and ideas for family engagement in our free guide: What If We’re Failing Kids at Faith Formation? (And How Not To).
Wonder Ink’s 3-year, 52-week children’s ministry curriculum offers kids space to fully find their place in God’s Big Story. Children discover they are Known by God, Loved by Jesus, and Led by the Holy Spirit.