God promises His Holy Spirit to every person who trusts in Jesus. The Spirit isn’t reserved only for so-called super Christians who have been walking with God for decades. The Holy Spirit is for everyone who believes!
There is no such thing as a junior-sized version of the Holy Spirit for juniorsized followers of Jesus. The very same Spirit who raised Christ from the dead fills—and is available to lead—the kids in your ministry!
As you explore stories of the Holy Spirit’s arrival and work within the early church, marvel with your kids at the truth that the Spirit dwells in them, helps them, and gives them strength and boldness.
There is no such thing as a junior-sized version of the Holy Spirit for juniorsized followers of Jesus.
Series Invitation
Life is challenging, isn’t it? Soaring prices, a kid with a cold, and—what’s that? The washer and dryer just died?
No wonder you’re sometimes exhausted. If only there was a power supply to plug into, encouragement to tap into when your own reserves run low …
There is. And He’s with you right now.
Jesus promises the Holy Spirit to all who believe in Him, including you and the kids you serve. In this series you’ll explore together how the Holy Spirit stands ready to guide, strengthen, embolden, and draw you ever closer to God.
I grew up hearing about Jesus and God the Father, but the Holy Spirit was seldom mentioned. The Spirit was like some distant great-uncle: now and then the name came up, but I knew little about him.
If that’s also your story, get ready to dive deeper. And if you and the Holy Spirit are well acquainted, prepare to encounter the Spirit anew as you introduce this Person of the Trinity—God Himself—to your kids.
In this pause before you launch the series, consider …
- How have you felt the Holy Spirit speak into your life?
- What do you anticipate will happen for your kids during this series?
- How will you pray for your kids throughout this series?
Know we’re praying for you as you serve—and let the Spirit guide you.
—Mikal Keefer, Ministry Volunteer, Contributor to Wonder Ink
Wonder Ink’s 3-year, 52-week children’s ministry curriculum offers kids space to fully find their place in God’s Big Story. Children discover they are Known by God, Loved by Jesus, and Led by the Holy Spirit.
Check Out These Helpful Resources!
- Top 10 Reasons to Try Wonder Ink Children’s Curriculum for Free
- Unpacking the Wonder-filled Kaleidoscope Called Identity
- Bringing the Bible to Life in Your Children’s Ministry
- What If We’re Failing Kids at Faith Formation? And How Not To
- Wonder Ink’s Facebook Page
- Moving Beyond the Behavior: Getting to the Heart in Your Children’s Ministry
- Wonder Ink Orientation