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About the Who is Jesus? trial lesson series:
You’ll get the complete Who Is Jesus? series to try out the Wonder Ink Curriculum & Digital Platform.
Who is Jesus? He is the exact likeness of God—the physical representation of God on earth. As a child and later as an adult, Jesus shows us what God is like. This series will help us understand Jesus and who He is. He is the Messiah, and God the Father speaks words of affirmation at His baptism. When Jesus is led into the wilderness and His humanity is put on display, He is tempted and does not sin. Through His first miracle, we see Jesus reveal to His followers that He is amazing. The more we know Him, the more we know God, and the more we are drawn to Him.
Early Childhood: Jesus is the image of God, who is invisible. —from Colossians 1:15
Elementary: The Son is the exact likeness of God, who can’t be seen. The Son is first, and he is over all creation. —Colossians 1:15
Lesson Title: Jesus at the Temple
Scripture: Luke 2
Lesson Title: Jesus’ Baptism
Scripture: Mark 1; Matthew 3
Lesson Title: Jesus’ Temptation
Scripture: Matthew 4; Hebrews 4
Lesson Title: Jesus Turns Water into Wine
Scripture: John 2
4 Lessons (for toddler, early childhood, elementary)
Welcome and Introduction
Series Overview
Elementary Bible Story Videos
Early Childhood Bible Story Videos
Wonder@Home Videos
Volunteer Prep Resources
Social Media Images
Series Slides & Slide Backgrounds
Bible Story Pictures
Volunteer & Family Communication Templates
Series Worship Playlists