Resources and Ideas for
Your Children's Ministry

Be encouraged, supported, and stay up-to-date with Wonder Ink through these helpful articles, videos, and downloads.

Once you’ve done the hard work of evaluating, comparing, researching, and choosing a new curriculum…it’s time for the fun part­—implementing!
Wonder Ink includes small group time to engage kids. Check out these tips for leading great small groups in your children’s ministry.
Discover Jesus’ power and compassion, witness His generous forgiveness, remember His death and life, and sit at His feet and spend time with Him.
You may be wondering, wait, what is a seder? And am I invited to this table? Does this have significance for me as a Christian?
Context matters in understanding so much of what we encounter in our lives, but it is especially critical to how we encounter and understand Scripture.
In the I AMs series, we will see Jesus use events and ideas the people were already familiar with to reveal Himself to the world.
We asked our Wonder Ink users how they use the Wonder Ink lessons in two different services a week, and here are their ideas.
Passover Seder isn’t merely an event. It’s a journey, and you’re invited.
The fulfillment of God’s promises will far exceed our expectations. Every time. So we wait with hope, saying with faith, “Come Lord Jesus.”
This series will help us understand Jesus and who He is. The more we know Him, the more we know God, and the more we are drawn to Him.
Enjoy this Christmas season and share the good news of Jesus with kids! These crafts and activities will help you share about Immanuel, God with us!
This series is an invitation to witness God’s faithfulness to His people—to us!
Parents are overwhelmed by stress. Let’s support them and remind them just how known, loved, and led they are.
Join your kids in letting the truth of God’s presence sink deeply into your heart.
This lesson preview is from the 5-lesson Christmas series from Wonder Ink!
Hear from children’s ministry leaders from across the country and discover the Wonder Ink difference!
Looking for children’s church lessons that spark wonder for God’s Word? Learn about Wonder Ink’s curriculum by exploring these free samples for your ministry!
This series will explore how God works, calls, protects, and stays with His people.
Engage kids and have fun while teaching Bible stories! Check out these awesome children’s ministry games.