Wonder Ink Approved Resources for Your Children’s Ministry

Ministry Spark is a go-to place for ideas and inspiration for children’s ministry leaders and volunteers. These ideas come in all shapes and sizes—from articles posted weekly to free downloadable resources made for you! We encourage you to check it out and subscribe to their newsletter for the latest articles, webinars, and free resources.
Visit the Leadership Hub and Grow in What God Has Called You to Do

Visit the Leadership Hub and Grow in What God Has Called You to Do​

From ministry guides, to webinars, to articles—this is a great place to start exploring the leadership resources Ministry Spark has to offer.

When Kids Walk Away from Their Faith

We are not raising faith robots—we are helping to shape faith giants. And in order to become giants, they have to flesh out their faith on their own.

11 Children’s Ministry Job Descriptions for Your Ministry

Customize and use these descriptions to help organize the positions that need to be filled in your ministry.

66 Short Bible Verses Perfect for Kids to Memorize

66 Short Bible Verses Perfect for Kids to Memorize

Memorized verses are the rails the Spirit’s instructions run on. How much track have we laid? Download this free guide on Short Bible Verses. With 1 verse from every book, kids will learn to hide God’s Word in their hearts!

Our Role in the Faith Formation of Kids: The Church as a Whole

In this webinar, we talk through some of the recent research and give ideas for how we can make kids’ faith formation a whole-church priority. You can download the guide here.

Wonder Ink Seasonal Series