Wonder Ink Blog

Christie Penner Worden

Christie Penner Worden is the RaiseUpFaith North American Director. She loves to share the gospel with everyone and anyone and believes it’s as delicious as a ripe, juicy mango! She is curious, full of wonder, and asks approximately one million questions a day. Christie is credentialed through the BIC denomination as a pastor, has completed the Engage Certificate program in Children’s Ministry through Bethel Seminary and is a certified coach with INCM. Ministry for Christie includes giving tiny humans a big voice in the Body. Her husband and three kids tolerate all of her talking with love and grace, if also with an occasional eye roll. Christie is a full-time dreamer, a part-time unicorn, and a strong believer that childlike faith was never meant to be outgrown. Learn more about RaiseUpFaith at https://www.raiseupfaith.com/